
Salon Policies

Cancellation Policy
You must cancel 24 hours before the appointment to receive a refund on your deposit. If a cancellation is made within 3 hours of the appointment the deposit will not be refunded. No shows will be charged full price of the service booked. We only take cancellations through phone.
Payment Options
We can take debit/credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners, Cup, JCB, & Maestro
We charge a deposit of 50% of the total price of the service(s).
Late Policy
If you are late it may result in your service being altered to fit remaining time available. If you are more than 20 minutes late you will be considered a no show.
Return Policy
We take returns on products that are untouched, unopened, and unused within 2 weeks of the purchase date. We reserve the right to inspect the products before accepting a return.
Lashes Refill Eligibility Timeline
Refill Period: Clients who have received a full set appointment are eligible for refills within a period of up to 4 weeks from their last appointment date.

Full Set Requirement: If more than 4 weeks have passed since your last full set appointment, you will no longer be eligible for a refill service. In such cases, a new full set appointment will be required.


Have any questions on our policies? Please contact us